Parent Information

Governing Council

The role of the Governing Council is to oversee the running of the Kindergarten. It is comprised of parents, staff and interested members of the community. Meetings are held monthly to discuss educational, financial and maintenance matters which are of concern to the Kindergarten.

The Governing Council also plans events and organises fundraising to ensure the financial viability of the Kindergarten. All parents are encouraged to become involved in this process.

Local Policies and Procedures

Toileting and Changing of Clothes (nappy changing procedure)

Sun and Heat Protection

Sleep and Rest

Regular Outings and Excursion Policy (inc safe transportation procedure)

Healthy Food and Nutition

Behaviour Guidance

Water Safety

Our local policies and procedures much be consistent with relevant Department for Education policy and procedure documents. Preschools evaluate their practices to support compliance requirements under the  Education and Care Services National Law (South Australia) and the Education and Care Services National Regulations.

Department for Education – policies and legislation

Policies and legislation (